About Us

Local and Dedicated.
Linton Fencing & Sports Grounds Ltd, based just outside Moira, Northern Ireland, are an experienced fencing contractor with completed contracts throughout the UK and Ireland.
We have an extensive product range including all types of fencing, spectator stands, dugouts, turnstiles and netting systems. We are confident that we can meet your requirements for your fencing and sports grounds needs.
10+ year’s Experience.
For over 10 years, Linton Fencing & Sports Grounds Ltd have been installing fencing packages with installations across the UK and Ireland including Cardiff, Dublin and Belfast.
We offer all types of fencing such as sports, boundary, timber and security fencing, including matching swing or automatic gates. We have a wide range of expertise within the company and work closely with some of the most noted names across the industry from supply through to installation to ensure consistent, quality projects